Placebo Studies Seminar Series

Since its inception in the fall of 2011, the Harvard-wide Placebo Studies Seminar Series has been offered each month by PiPS at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. The series features leading researchers who present their findings in areas related to patient care, placebo studies, and the therapeutic encounter. An open dialogue following each presentation explores the potential impact of the research findings and the possibility for future research topics. Open to the Boston medical community and the general public, past seminars have included: Factors Influencing the Placebo Response in Depression; Pain & Pleasure: Neuroscience of Subjective Experience; and Neuroscience- based Empathy Training for Clinicians: Research Results.

To receive information about upcoming seminars, please sign up for our mailing list. Video and audio recordings of the series will soon be available upon request.

The Placebo Studies Seminar Series is sponsored by the Program in Placebo Studies & the Therapeutic Encounter, the Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, MGH, the Division of General Medicine and Primary Care, BIDMC, and the Department of Global Health and Social Medicine, HMS.

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